If you think you might be interested in Freemasonry, you live in Fareham, or surrounding areas or not it really doesn’t matter ultimately, and would like to know more, maybe get a better feel for what we are about, investigate the possibilities then please make use of the contact form below which will go straight to our secretary. He will allocate somebody to get in touch with you, if he doesn’t himself, and we’ll go from there. Believe me Masonry is very interesting for all the right reasons so why not find out more if only out of interest face to face.
One of the many Masonic centres around the British Isles I visit as a biking mason. You might be a caravaning enthusiast (Karwan is Persian for caravan), mad on rugby, bonkers on sailing, completely barmy on all sorts or just want to be an enthusiastic part of your local centre. All are good reasons and all are cherished, so go on if you are remotely interested fill this contact form out and send it, we’d very much like to talk to you.
Here’s some info that might wet your appetite:
and here’s some info on the charitable work Freemasons get up to:
If you’ve read and listened to that lot (well done by the way) don’t forget to fill out (or in…. whatever) the contact form below and hopefully we’ll get to meet you face to face, :o) (o: that’s my little face to face thingy, :o)x(o: and that’s if you’re kissing…. never mind.
:o) KP Karwan’s website tickler.