Welcome to the web site of Karwan Lodge No 8970.
Karwan’s Worshipful Master W Bro Dennis Whitear
Picture and bio coming soon
Although Karwan was originally set up by a group of like minded caravaners who were also masons, the lodge encourages anyone interested in Freemasonry to browse the website and make contact should they wish to find out more.
- 2022/2023 Karwan’s Worshipful Master W Bro Nick Smart PPSGD
- 2021/2022 Karwan’s Worshipful Master W Bro Chris Barrett PPGReg
- 2020/2021 Karwan’s Worshipful Master W Bro Brian Lambert PPSGD
Our IPM, WBro Chris Barrett and Charity Steward, WBro Brian Baker attended the recent Charity Cheque giving presentation and presented a cheque for £2250 to the Macular Society on behalf of Karwan Lodge.
On behalf of WBros Chris and Brian, thank you again for your generosity Brethren
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