Lodge Officers

Worshipful Master W Bro. N. Smart PPSGD
Senior Warden W Bro. D. Whitear PPJGD
Junior Warden W Bro. D. Tomson PPDepGSupWks
Chaplain W Bro. A. Spencer PPJGW
Treasurer W Bro. R. Shutler PPJGW
Secretary W Bro. W Cooper PPSGD
Director of Ceremonies W Bro. I. Moore ProvAGDC
Almoner W Bro. B. Lambert PPSGD
Charity Steward W Bro. B. Baker PPSGD
Mentor W Bro. Lambert PPSGD
Senior Deacon W Bro. B. Baker PPSGD
Junior Deacon Bro. S Gilgallon
Asst Director of Ceremonies Vacant
Organist W Bro. J Brier PPGSwdB
Asst Secretary W Bro. C. Barrett PPGReg
Inner Guard Bro. D. Fenton
Tyler W Bro. B. Lambert PPSGD
Steward Bro. L Povey
IPM W Bro. C. Barrett PPGReg
Royal Arch Chapter Rep W Bro. N. Smart PPSGD

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